Thursday, May 21, 2009

Fame is like dope

Fame is like dope. You take a little, you want more and more.
I just made a new friend, he is a 10 year old ‘has been’ (translation: He use to be famous 10 years ago). At what point did he loose the fame???
Fame is the glittering price that comes with a successful career, mostly a career promoted in the media. To take a line from a poem by my friend and fellow GAP(guild of artist and poets) member, Simoyan Olayoye ‘paparazzi shots don’t kill, they aide me’. So true, too true.
Fame can change you, to something virtually unrecognisable (just ask Michael Jackson), it can be a catalyst for change (just ask bob Marley or our very own fela), it can do a lot of good or it can be a tool for a lot of bad. The way fame is handled is a sure test for true icons; it can be used to make history or to make history forgotten.
But, there is nothing in the world that has a shorter lifespan than fame (you must have heard of the 15 minutes of fame and the 1 hit wonder phenomenon), it fizzles out.
Whatever the case, while you are famous, propagate change!

ijeoma okeagu
executive director
whiterabbit concePt nig ltd

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