Sunday, August 23, 2009


I went to bed early last night for two reasons. 1. I had the grandfather of all headaches 2. So I could wake up early enough for morning mass. I woke up late, with the headache still throbbing and to discover that the car had been blocked by canopies but up by one of my neighbours for some kind of celebration which I knew nothing about. I decided, since I was up early, let me do some real cleaning up around the house starting from the living room. The party had started downstairs and they were playing very loud Yoruba music so I tuned my home theatre to kiss fm and raised it to the loudest volume ready to listen to some good music.

Nothing prepares you for the encounter I had.

I have been so busy chasing my dream, building my company, making friends and expanding my network, facebooking, websurfing, developing concepts, selling products and services and products, hanging out etc that I completely forgot the one who made it possible in the first place. For five minutes I listened to the most gut-wrenching testimony I have ever heard in my entire life and instantly I asked God to forgive my neglect and self-centeredness.
I didn’t even catch the name of the singer who gave the testimony but I guess the reason It touch me so much was because somehow I could relate and I felt a form of empathy. In a nutshell, ‘her grandma taught her about God and the bible and told her one Day God will use her. When she was 11 her family moved to LA leaving her grand ma behind. By 13 she was in the clubs, by 16 she was a single parent. At 14 she had her first hit single and stated touring the US with music greats. She was introduced to drugs, alcohol, promiscuity and all the ill associated with the world of entertainment. She craved the fame and lived off the bright lights and cocaine was her best and only friend and her live-in lover was a dealer. One day she walked straight into a wall, hit her head and started sliding down and her mind told her this was it. At this point the talking ended and she started singing, but one thing she kept saying throughout the testimony was ‘grandma never stopped praying’.

I am alot of things to alot of people. Daughter, sister, bestfriend, friend, colleague, CEO, white rabbit, PR exec, partner, associate etc and I see the glamour associated with the business and I see the bright light that blind, approaching, but as Cobham’s raps ‘this is not about me’.
I am no preacher; I am not even in a place spiritually where I can give any kind of advice but I have this to say today,’ do not forget God in anything you do’. He makes everything possible, and most especially he keeps you safe. If you have a friend or brother or colleague that you see is going astray, please don’t stop putting him in your prayers, it might be you keeping him safe, not luck nor fluke. And please put me in your prayers too.

Dear lord,
As you build up WR CONCEPT LTD with your knowing hands, bring with all the wealth and fame, humility. Help me to never forget that this is not about me, but to your honour and glory. Amen

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